"Yes, she dated me a few times." Juana had been among tho countless others with whom Evadne, in rapid succession, had endeavoured to salve her ego after Van's rejection of her in favor of the older, more worldly-wise Denise. "Nice girl. Drove an Oldsmobile when I knew her, and had that charming little place out in Belmont." Donise had done well for herself, Evadno thought. It angered Evadno to see Van's sad smile.

Impulsively, she put her hand on Van's arm. "Look, why don't we go to my place? It's not too far from here and you can have a bit of supper with mo. Jeanne is out of town for a two-day visit with her mother, who is ill, and I'd really welcome a bit of company."

"I'd very much like to see your place....if you'd really like me to come," Yan said.

The elevator soared soundlessly to the very top of the Fairvue.

"You didn't tell m: you lived in a penthouse, Evadne. How nice for you: Sometimes I wish I had an elevator at Eden Heights.'

Evadne, remembering the interminable steps that led upwards to Van's rustic retreat, smiled appreciatively. The elevator door opened and the two women stopped through into the apartment.

"May I take your coat?" On her way to the guest closet, Evadne switched on the hi-fi, The soft music of Mantovani's orchestra purred unobtrusively through the room. "Sit down by the window. " She indicated a long, low modernistic divan. "There's a fairly good view from there.❤ nothing like your Eden Heights view, though, I'm afraid."


Van watched Evadne's deft, carefully manicured hands as she prepared two cocktails at the built-in bar. handing one to Van, took hers toward the kitchen.

"Amuse yourself, darling, Play whatever you want on the hi-fi. I know Jeanne left some filets in the freezer. I'll

find us some thing to nibble on. Actually," Evadne confessed,